branding agency achieves modernity for oubre Medical

Oubre medical is a personalized functional medicine practice. We worked with Oubre on a total rebrand project incorporating our 3 b’s: brand strategy, brand voice, and brand identity. With our help, Oubre accomplished a refreshed look with a whole new strategy to place them better in the market.

Oubre Medical logo marks

Before & after

The work speaks for itself. The logo transformation alone really set Oubre apart from the competition. It was important for Oubre to communicate a spa like atmosphere vs. a sterile medical facility in their logo mark.



Sometimes, it just clicks

Would you believe us if we told you we nailed the logo mark on the first version? Because we did.

When your process is as thorough and efficient as ours, you won’t waste time going in circles with unsatisfied results. Just ask Oubre Medical!

The final Results

We gave oubre medical a total transformation, equipping them for a total new presence out in the functional medicine market.